Hollow Door Repair: How to Fix Your Hollow Core Doors
Hollow core doors are a common fixture in homes and offices across the world, thanks to their affordability and lightweight construction. However, their hollow design can also make them more prone to damage, leaving homeowners with a frustrating repair job. In this article, we'll guide you through the process of repairing hollow doors, including metal doors, and give you some tips to prevent further damage. Types of Hollow Doors Before we dive into the specifics of hollow door repair, let's take a quick look at the different types of hollow doors that you might encounter: Hollow Core Doors - These doors are typically made of plywood or molded composite skins and have a cardboard honeycomb or plastic core, which makes them lightweight and easy to install. Hollow Metal Doors - These doors have steel or aluminum skin and are filled with insulation material such as polystyrene foam or rock wool. Solid Core Doors - As the name suggests, these doors have a solid cor